Gum Swollen Around One Tooth - 3 Possible Causes | Spring Haven Dental

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Gum Swollen Around One Tooth – 3 Possible Causes

Gum Swollen Around One Tooth

Have you ever woken up with a nagging pain in your mouth, only to discover a swollen gum around one tooth? While an unpleasant experience, think of it as your body’s way of signaling that there’s an underlying issue that needs attention. In this article, we’re going to explore 3 of these possible issues, and a few treatments you can use to find temporary relief.

Why Is My Gum Swollen Around One Tooth In The Back?

1. Compromised Oral Hygiene & Leftover Food Debris.

Have you recently skipped out on brushing or flossing? One of the primary answers to the question, “why is my gum swollen around one tooth in the back?” has to do with poor dental hygiene. When we neglect our oral care routine, a buildup of food debris and bacteria sits between the tooth and gum line, and if left unchecked, it allows plaque, a sticky, colorless film composed of bacteria, to form. Plaque irritates your delicate gum tissue, triggering an inflammatory response that makes your gums swell up on protest. This is easily treatable by getting a professional dental cleaning done.

2. Possibly The Silent Assailant - Gum Disease.

Have you been diagnosed with early-stage gum disease? Gum disease acts as a sneaky saboteur, silently attacking your gum tissue to create localized swelling around your teeth. As gum disease progresses, you may notice symptoms that go beyond the swelling like bleeding gums, persistent bad breath, and tender, reddened gums. If left untreated, it can progress to a more serious form called periodontitis, which is characterized by receding gums, bone loss, and potentially tooth loss.

The good news here is that gum disease is preventable by adhering to good oral hygiene practices, and in more serious cases, you can have it treated with professional deep cleanings and root planing. If you suspect that a swollen gum around one tooth is from untreated gum disease, book in for an appointment to get a proper assessment and treatment.

3. Painful Swelling From An Infection - Dental Abscess.

A dental abscess is a localized collection of pus caused by a bacterial infection, which can manifest as a swollen gum around one tooth. It can stem from tooth decay or fractures that compromise the tooth’s nerve (known as a periapical abscess) or an infection originating in the gum tissue itself (periodontal abscess). You can tell that you have an abscess as it will cause significant pain, swelling in your gums or face, fever, and difficulty with opening your mouth wide or swallowing.

With a dental abscess, you do need prompt medical attention as it won’t resolve on its own, and can spread to other areas of the body if left untreated. Luckily, with antibiotics and dental treatment (root canal, extraction, or draining), the infection can be eliminated and any swelling or pain that you have will be relieved.

I Have Braces, Why Are My Gums Swollen?

Having braces can come with gum tenderness and swelling, especially when you first get them or have had adjustments made. There’s often two causes for this:

  • The constant pressure from the braces on your teeth can irritate the surrounding gums and cause inflammation. This swelling is temporary and should last about a week.
  • If you find that it’s a bit tricky to properly brush and floss with all the wires and brackets in the way, then plaque buildup around your gum line may be the culprit.

To combat the above, make sure you’re using a soft-bristled toothbrush, warm salt water rinses, and orthodontic wax in the areas where your braces are rubbing against your gums. If the gums are very swollen, sore, or bleeding excessively, check in with your orthodontist

How Do I Treat Swollen Gums Around One Tooth?

Beyond proper oral hygiene practices, we recommend using an antiseptic mouthwash to keep plaque at bay, and using a homemade saltwater solution to reduce swelling. If you want to go an extra step, consider applying a turmeric gel for 10-seconds after brushing your teeth, as turmeric has anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties.

Book In Today

While these home remedies can provide temporary relief, the best plan of action for swollen gums is to give our office a visit so that we can thoroughly examine your condition and recommend the most suitable course of action. Visit us at or call us (813) 448-6885, today.

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