Tips on Choosing Veneer Shape and Shade - Spring Haven Dental

13254 State Road 54,
Odessa, FL 33556

Tips on Choosing Veneer Shape and Shade

Know how to improve healthy teeth and gums.

Have you been considering veneers for years and are finally ready to take the plunge? When you get veneers in Odessa FL, you have a couple of options. Our veneers are made from either porcelain or composite resin material.

Furthermore, they’re tooth-shaped and custom-made to fit right over your teeth. Veneers aim to give you the smile you’ve always dreamed of by covering those pesky imperfections. Veneers are also available in different sizes, shapes, and colors, depending on what you prefer. If you aren’t sure which shape and shade are perfect for you, here are some tips to help you decide.

 Where can I get Veneers Odessa FL?

\How to Choose the Right Veneer Shape and Shade for You?

Don’t Go Too White

There are so many variations of white! When picking out a shade for your veneers you want to choose one that gives your smile a bright and healthy glow. However, going too white may make your teeth look unnatural.

  • A good little guide to follow is the white of your eyes. Never go whiter than the white part of your eyes.
  • If you have a fair skin tone, pick from the whitest colors available. Your skin color and the color of your veneers need to contrast to make your teeth appear white.
  • If you have a darker skin tone, pick from the naturally occurring tooth shades. You will want to steer clear of the bleaching shades because it will make your smile look unnatural.

Consider Your Face Shape, Gender, and Age when Choosing the Right Veneer Shape for You

When choosing the right veneer shape for you, you should consider your face shape, gender, and age.

  • Face Shape – The right veneers will compliment your face shape. If you have a round face, choose longer and thinner veneers to make your face look slimmer. If you have a long face, choose shorter and wider veneers.
  • Gender – If you want your smile to look masculine, choose square veneers. But if you want your smile to look more feminine, go for rounded veneers.
  • Age – Lengthening your veneers can help make you look younger. Likewise, bulking up your teeth can also help smoothen out the wrinkles around your mouth area.

Where can I get Veneers Odessa FL?

Looking for Veneers in Odessa, FL?

Keep these tips in mind when choosing the right shape and shade for you! At Spring Haven Dental, we offer high-quality veneers for your perfect smile.

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