What Is a Dry Socket? | Spring Haven Dental | Odessa, TX

13254 State Road 54,
Odessa, FL 33556

What Is a Dry Socket?

Tooth extractions treat overcrowding and bite alignment issues, remove severely damaged teeth, and keep pesky wisdom teeth from causing problems. If you or a loved one is preparing to have a tooth extracted, there are several steps you can take to ensure a smooth recovery. After all, everyone wants to avoid painful complications such as dry sockets. We’ve compiled the following information to help you avoid dry sockets and experience a quick recovery.

Follow Our Instructions

After your tooth extraction, Dr. Lee and our team will send you home with detailed instructions for recovery. You’ll probably feel like laying down and resting after the surgery, which is exactly what you should do! Getting plenty of rest helps your body preserve its energy for healing. We’ll also provide instructions on what you should eat and how you should clean your extraction site.

sign that indicates no straws

Prevent Dry Sockets

One of the most important instructions we give after oral surgery is to avoid using straws. Straws are one of the main culprits behind dry sockets, as suction can easily dislodge the delicate blood clot that forms over your extraction site during the healing process. When the blood clot is dislodged, the delicate nerves underneath are exposed. This painful condition is called a dry socket. Dry sockets can also occur when the blood clot protecting the extraction site dissolves too early, or never develops in the first place.

Keep Us Informed

If you do believe you’ve developed a dry socket or are experiencing severe pain during recovery, let us know. Without treatment, the area can become infected and pose a serious health risk. We treat dry sockets by gently cleaning the wound and then packing it with gauze. Dry sockets will heal on their own, typically after 7 to 10 days.

To ask our team any questions about avoiding dry sockets after oral surgery or to schedule your next visit, contact office today!


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